Why Make This Game?

The priority of this game is fun and laughs. The secondary goal is literally to call out crappy behavior (specifically self-righteous behavior), which seems to be all the rage in our world these days. That’s why it’s called The Holiest Crap! Because — let’s face it — sometimes people try so hard to look holy when they’re really just trying to hide what makes them crappy. Sometimes that even includes us, but we can learn from our mistakes! HOORAY!

Criticism and self-reflection are important, but it’s also important to approach them constructively. Social media and the news don’t seem to be helping much with the constructive approach, do they? There’s a lot of yelling and shaming, but not a lot of listening and laughing. That’s where a silly card game can help… you’re interacting with real humans!

Each card in the game is kind of like a meme. Most of them make fun of stupid things we all do sometimes, like the Zombie Crap character who feels dead inside and will only feel better after tearing someone apart.

While designing this game, I had a friend jokingly say “I feel attacked” because she saw her own behavior in the card I showed her. At a game convention, someone said, “Oh my gosh! So this is just like real life?!” (Yes.) Lots of people read what’s on the cards and start laughing at themselves or someone they know.

You might relate to a lot of the cards, and that’s good! You’ll be laughing together with other people in the process. Chances are you’ll make fun of each other and even yourself. And what better way is there to approach change than laughing together with friends?


Love, Erik
(Creator of The Holiest Crap)